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Women Empowering Women | Feat. Heather Elizabeth Neary

Writer's picture: Mel AfflerbachMel Afflerbach

Each time women gather in circles with one another, the world heals a little more. This energy and magnetic vibe is what drew me to Heather and the work she has been led to do. Heather Neary has been my healer and spiritual guide for years guiding me down a path to self healing, reiki, and empowerment.

The first time I met Heather, she unrolled her yoga mat in one of my classes, even then her energy was contagious, little did I know she was a bad ass reiki healer, counselor and Mayan calendar guru and also happen to be on my side of Austin, Tx. A friend of mine told me this whole experience she had in a Mayan Calendar "dream spell" session with this lady in town and I, of course, was drawn to it and immediately googled this modern wizard women up. It was my yoga student, Heather?! As I read through her site and saw REIKI, I thought, "I'm a yoga teacher and chakras are big deal, I'll book a reiki session to balance my chakra energy and see where this takes me."

I booked my REIKI session and pulled up to this cute red barn with a sign on it, that read "the sanctuary." My first 45 mins with Heather was one of the best counseling experiences I had, pouring out my heart and emotions on things that I never knew were there. I hopped up on her table for my chakra balancing session to begin, which honestly is perfect, yall, because an hour of bringing up old emotions and then having a reiki energy session afterwards, gives you a full balance experience. (Bring the emotions up and move the energy afterwards.) Heather uses sounds, crystals, oils, sage and my favorite, Rose water in each session. The powerful visions and deep relaxation will shift any energy blocks, let me tell ya!

The part of the session that empowered me the most was Heather's mantra she says to you at the end. That I am loved and that sharing my light gives others permission to share theirs. That right there, folks, struck a cord I'll never forget. I realized I am suppose to be empowering women through yoga retreats, energy + nutrition support, this blog, my upcoming podcast. Heather helped guide me down the path Im on of self healing, power, and growth.

Lets just say, that reiki experience forever changed my life. I later registered for Heather's Level 1 Reiki training, saw her on a monthly basis, and was magnetized to her wisdom and all the powerful women that surrounded her. She inspires me. I cant write or say enough gratitude that I have for her. I am so grateful for you, Heather, and thank you for sharing your story with me and others through this Women Empowering Women blog series.

What is your story?

I AM a life-long Seeker of the greater purpose and meaning of existence. Since I was a young girl, I have been a champion for unity consciousness. I now recognize it to be the next evolutionary step for humanity. I have a background as a Licensed Clinical Social Worker and have worked in a variety of settings including hospice, long-term care facilities for aging adults and adults with special needs, and the admissions department of a psychiatric hospital. In 2006, a challenging life transition catapulted me into my own evolutionary leap in consciousness. My yearning for Spiritual growth led me to be initiated into the ancient healing arts of shamanism, energy medicine, and the life-changing experience of attending Nine Gates Mystery School.  Through my own awakening process, I heeded the call to unite my background as a Social Worker with the spiritual lineages I hold to be of service as a guide and ally for fellow Seekers' awakening journeys. A phenomenal yearning to reunite with my Maya spiritual lineage occurred in early 2012, creating a profound pathway to align with the transformational ‘map of synchronicity’ called the 13 Moon Dreamspell, whose Founder, Jose' Arguelles, was the organizer of the Harmonic Convergence of 1987.

I AM devoted to being a source of inspiration and empowerment to fellow human BEings. In being blessed to work with hundreds of people over the years, I have witnessed firsthand the potential for miraculous transformation when a person is able to directly connect with their own inner truth and discover meaning and connectedness in their life. I feel that it is my life’s purpose to support the evolutionary shift that is happening upon the planet. I have created a powerful program called SHINE (Supporting Humanity In Navigating EVOLution) that is designed to provide practical tools to discover one’s truth and therefore live an authentic and joyful life. I feel that a key to PEACE within oneSelf and within our world is in HEALing and UNITING the masculine and feminine energies. I AM in celebration of the re-emergence of the Sacred Feminine essence of unconditional love, acceptance, forgiveness, and compassion.

What do you love most about yourself? 

I love that I AM COMPASSIONATE and practice reverence for ALL life. I love that I AM in tune with my intuition and receptive to MAGICal experiences of synchronicity on a daily basis. I love that I seek to experience and CREATE JOY in my life and EMPOWER others to do the same. I love that I AM colorful, quirky, and accepting of mySelf.

What gets you truly excited about life?

I AM EXCITED about my own SPIRITual AWAKENing journey and the HONOR of getting to hold SACRED SPACE for the AWAKENing journeys of fellow Seekers.

How would you define your purpose in life?

I feel that my purpose in life is to EMPOWER humanity to EMBRACE the unprecedented opportunity that WE ALL have to EVOLve our CONSCIOUSNESS. I AM called to GUIDE and facilitate TRANSFORMATIONAL experiences for humanity to have direct experiences of the interCONNECTION and interdependence of US ALL.

What did you imagine yourself doing when you were 21 yrs? How about now? Or in 10 years?

When I was 21 I had no idea what I was doing! LOL! I was actually just beginning to get excited about my major in college which was Social Work. Even then I knew that my work was going to BE SPIRITually focused.

As for now, I TRUST that I AM exactly where I AM meant to BE!

In 10 years I see mySelf collaborating with change agents such as Gregg Braden, Brene' Brown, and Oprah Winfrey!

Right now, at this very moment, what do you want most in life?

I AM BLESSED in so many ways. I can't think of anything that's missing...

If you could deliver a message to a woman in her 20’s, 30’s, 40’s, what would that be?

For the woman in her 20s: RESPECT yourSelf

For the woman in her 30s: ACCEPT yourSelf

For the woman in her 40s: BE yourSelf

What do you like to do for fun?

I AM the karaoke Queen- I LOVE it! I enJOY taking walks with my dog in nature. I LOVE going to metaphysical stores and picking out new crystals, flower essences, incense, divination cards, and any other MAGICal tool that is calling to me! I LOVE going to quirky Austin coffee shops and restaurants with my tribe to CELEBRATE life! PLAYing with my nephew and niece is ONE of my GREATest JOYs!!!

What’s your family like?

My biological family is WONDERful and SUPPORTIVE. Fortunately, WE live geographically close to ONE another and get to see each other on an on-going basis. I have an INCREDIBLE partner who I have been with for almost 12 years. Our home is filled with LOVE, LAUGHTER, and fur babies!

Where do you live currently?

The ONE and only Austin, TX! 

Wheres your dream vacation or adventure? Where do you love to travel to or where?

I LOVE to travel to different SACRED sites on the planet. My INTENTION is to visit as many as possible in this lifetime! I also enJOY traveling to somewhere remote, on a beach, where I can unplug from the busyness of life and just BE.

What's your mantra?

I AM a JOYful, BENEVOLENT BEing of LIGHT, who embodies the TRUTH of the INFINITE, ABUNDANT possibilities of the Universe!


For more of Heather Elizabeth's offerings, please visit her website

If you're interested in attending her upcoming spiritual retreats or Reiki Training Level 1 & 2



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