The Feminine Energy :: Opposing masculine energy which is being in the state of “doing,” our feminine energy is being in the state of “being.” It’s not this delicate flower or being a prim & proper woman (because we, as women, have both energy’s : Masculine & Feminine and as do men). Feminality (I’m sure I just made up that word) is the compassionate, understanding, intuitive and nurturing side of ourselves.
Before I loose you here, Women in this generation are so freaking masculine because we HAVE to be, we’re expected to be, we have no OFF button, and we’re not aloud to cry or break down. Frick! That’s exhausting as hell. Then you had on the layer of being a mom (which is a EXTREMELY challenging role to play, my friends). We’re taught as women that crying and being vulnerable is WEAK. I’m telling you it’s NOT. It’s what we need in order to feel more balanced energetically. Don’t loose touch of your feminine energy, my friends.
This brings me to WHY women need a break and reset. WHY it’s so important to surround yourself with other powerful and vulnerable women. WHY & HOW we can absorb, learn, and inspire one another!

::5 Reason Why Women Need a Yoga Retreat ::
1. BALANCE :: You need a break from the masculine energy of life. Giving yourself permission to leave your life for 1 week is going to change your life. I promise. This balances you out, y’all.
2. SELF CARE :: This is a concept that people throw around when you go to the spa or get a massage but the truth behind self care is caring for yourself. This is more than just your physical body it’s your spiritual and emotional self. Meditating in the mornings is self care for your mind. Yoga daily is self care for you physical body & internal body. Eating healthy & organic foods are self care for your gut. Being around a group of amazing fucking women, is self care for your SOUL.
3. RESET :: Well, friends, resetting your life’s intentions takes more than one 3 hr workshop on goals and intention setting. Resetting is re aligning with you and your life. That takes time and introduction to new habits & rituals. The schedules on these retreats introduce new rituals that help you support alignment. And y’all, when you’re in alignment with yourself you FEEL happy.
4. EXPERIENCE :: I want you to InVision the perfect place for you to escape to... imagine waking up and being catered to... someone has made you coffee and breakfast... you walk outside to this view that makes you feel you can breath again. It those experiences that helps
5. COMMITMENT :: You leave paradise, a week of energetic shifting, support, rest, and most importantly, you feel AWAKE. How do you carry on these spiritual awakenings into your every day life AFTER the retreat? You keep practicing, you keep making time for you, you keep feeding yourself the spiritual growth you experienced on these retreats daily. You have to commit to you.

These are only a few points I can truly make to W H Y attending a week long retreat is one of the best things you can do for yourself. Let me know where you are traveling to next below.
If you want to hop on to Mel's next Women's Yoga Retreat, click the link below. We're heading to Tamarindo, Costa Rica | May 10-16th 2020.